MT3 line gym cable single station with Dubai CARAVELLE HOTEL style, the unique appearance attracts more eyes meanwhile the smooth user experience helps your gym keep members, with a digital LCD counter.

1)Frame Tube56*100*3 mm
2)Motion Tube3.0 mm thickness
3)Capsmolded plastic
4)Guide Rodsteel stainless pipe
5)Shiedsmolded acrylic
6)Weight stackcold drawn steel, +5kgs incredment; with molded made Magnetic Pin.
7)Cable7*19 construction steel fiber inside, 4.2mm inner diameter
8)PulleyNylon body with steel core
10)SeatsManual Made
11)Seats adjustorDraw and release with 4-Axis
12)Hand GripsEVA with Alum. Alloy Ends.
13)FootholdsCorrugated steel plates
15)Counterdigital LCD

Gym Machine Package

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