P1305 Rubber Coated Plate


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 (2.5 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 KG)

P1305 Rubber Coated Plate with inner hoop, Hole Diameter 51mm

  • KG: 2.5/5/10/15/20/25
  • 1 set = 6 Pairs = 12PCS = 155 KG,
  • MOQ: 4 Sets or 600 KGS Mixed

Please learn that the price of this product is low but exists large error in each weight plate

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haswell fitness p1305 rubber coated weight plate 1
haswell fitness p1305 rubber coated weight plate 1
haswell fitness p1305 rubber coated weight plate 2
haswell fitness p1305 rubber coated weight plate 2
haswell fitness p1305 rubber coated weight plate 5
haswell fitness p1305 rubber coated weight plate 5
haswell fitness p1305 rubber coated weight plate 6
haswell fitness p1305 rubber coated weight plate 6